Saturday, September 15, 2007



Be away from unwanted things.

Many of us suffer, not for want of knowledge and good intentions, but we fail to implement them in our daily life. If you want peace of mind, stop doing things, which is prevented by our conscious. This is very important. It will shoe you good path. Then the blessings of God will come to you. Not only you will get peace of mind but also you will make others to have peace.

You must have confidence in others. You must be affectionate even to the poor. You must not be selfish. You can give money, material or even a smile. You can not achieve this in a day. If you want these good things in your life, you must practice slowly, step by step.

You harvest what you have sworn.

You can not expect peace of mind, if you give trouble to others, or if you punish the children, or if you cheat your servents, subordinates and your wife. You are expecting some thing which can not be expected. You have no right to expect it. One who spoils others peace has no right to have peace of mind. Then how are you going to behave?

You must lead a simple life, eat a simple food and live in a good atmosphere. You must pray regularly, move with good people and meditate. You do them contently. Then the good in you will begin to sprout from you.

Suicide is not an answer.

At times of despair, you you read the works of great men or take leave for a month and go on a pilgrimage. Stay there for a month. You spend your time in meditation, prayrs and walking. These are the methods to get back your lost confidence.

Do not resort to drinks. This will bring you more harm. Sleeping pills are also no answer. You can improve yourself. Hesitation is the worst enemy. Be faithful to yourself. Do away with pretensions; they are your worst enemies.

Your friends.

Do not move with others beyond some limits. So far, no further is a good what is essential. At times words with good intentions may be understood wrongly. Do not advice others unless you are consulted. Cary on with your life.


Do not expect any thing. Since expectations give restlessness and at times give disappointments. If you expect a letter from your friend and if you do not receive, you get frustration.

No one can increase or decrease your sufferings. Forget the past. Do not think of future. Live in the present time

Without loughing, weeping …..

.Accept life as such. Acton and reactions are common. If you feel happy a bad thing, you may have to weep latter. If you want to heap sand in a place, you have to dig in another place.

Accept your life as a gift of the God. Allow Him to shape you. Read The Bahavath Geetha or The Holly Bible or Venerable Koran. Remember their teachings. There is no alternative for getting peace of mind.

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